
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. ~Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Little Things In Life

The little things in life? Are they really "just" little things? I have learned over the last few months, and even more in the last two weeks, that little things are big and of importance. There are things we do on a daily basis that we just take for granted; things like...
  • our next breath.
  • seeing the beauty in people and creation around us.
  • singing or humming a song.
  • feeling the wind against your face.
  • seeing a smile move across some one's face.
  • the ability to take a shower and wash your hair whenever you so choose.
  • driving your car to the store and running in quickly.
  • knowing and living like tomorrow will come.
  • a shoulder of a friend.
  • a tiny child's hand in yours.
  • the comfort from a loved one.
I have come to realize that we move along in our lives, so fast paced, that we forget to stop and notice these little things that are so important. We spend our times running from one appointment to the next, gulping down a meal from a drive thru, and checking our email and messages in the car on our smart phones as we arrive at our next destination. We over commit to the point that we can't possibly cram in one more event. Then we stop and wonder why we are so tired and exhausted!

I am learning so many lessons through my journey. One is to just "Be still and know that I am God." I sometimes forget that God is in control and not me! Sometimes I just make a mess of His plan. I plan so much that I plan Him right out of everything. I have learned over the last two weeks that I am not guaranteed tomorrow. And that's OK! I'm not promised a number of years on this earth. I need to spend my days living urgently for Christ. I hope that I live my life in a way that Christ can touch lives through me. I want to live in a way that I may not have another day to share His love. I also want to live my life in gratitude to my savior, one for saving my soul, and two for using me to work His plan according to His purpose and not my own.

I find that I'm seeing the importance of just sitting in His presence and not running through it on my way to another commitment. I'm also learning that if it is His plan to see with one eye, then He has better plans for me! He is going to use this meningioma/vision trial for His glory. I am appreciating the things around me such as the sun, wind, rain, people, etc. I'm realizing these things are not so little in life.

Thank you, God for the rest you have provided for me and my family. Thank you for allowing me to stop and savor those things that may seem small in life, but are of great importance.

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